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Well episode 7 was certainly an exciting adventure through time!

I'm already looking forward to the next one! :-D


Ahahaha i cant believe Stabby's made an appearance! I was like "he looks like that Stabby guy" 😂😂 Brilliant.

i have the various version completed, how can i update the files with this new update so i can continue?

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Hello i really like your game but i have a problem you see i keep playing this game but i can't still to unlock this can you help me please 


when skylar asks you about your relationship with her you need to stop and not risk it instead of pursuing it, it will bring you to jessica's route and you will see those scenes (that's what i did on my first playthrough)

(1 edit)

Damn, did not know this either. So is there no way to end up on both routes?

nope, it's impossible for now. Depending on what the dev is planning we may have a harem ending so maybe both routes will merge together into one but there's no guarantee.

Got it - thanks for your reply!


The ep 7 is just too good, i kept giving luna a large tip because i know she has a financial problem in the future, i know its not the key to her heart...but still..

Deleted 182 days ago

Made this profile just to comment. I love this game so MUCH!!! The recent update was as amazing as the previous ones. Keep up the good work :D

Every episode is a straight banger! Loved episode seven cant wait for the next one!

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Deleted 188 days ago
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can we please just get an option when meeting riley that changes the MCs opinion about her from "man she weird" to "i am madly in love with this woman"

C'est un des meilleurs, si ce n'est le meilleur avn! 👌🏻👏🏻

Dans l'Ep 7. Je n'arrive pas à avoir Jessica et les poses sexy pour la séance photo ? J'ai bien suivi le guide pourtant. C'est arrivé à quelqu'un d'autre ?

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Je pense pas qu'il y ait du contenu "chaud" autour de Jessica pour le moment. Déjà dans la version précédente, j'ai fait une save concentrée exclusivement autour d'elle et à part la scène où ils regardent une série ensemble, je n'ai rien eu à me mettre sous la dent.

Je pense qu'il s'agit d'un personnage pour lequel il faut grind énormément afin de débloquer ses scènes intimes, qui j'espère viendront en grand nombre vers la fin.

Quand Skylar te parle à propos de ta relation avec elle il faut choisir d'arrêter là et ne pas prendre le risque de continuer vis à vis de Jessica, cela débloquera sa route et arrêtera celle de Skylar, donc impossible d'avoir leurs deux scènes sur la même sauvegarde (le guide de base mentionne de risquer la relation malgré tout il me semble, sûrement parce que les scènes avec Skylar sont plus fournis pour le moment)

Merci pour vos retours, et oui effectivement, j'ai pour le moment fait qu'une seule "voie". Je vais essayer ça et voir ce qu'il est possible de faire autrement ;-) 


All I can say is this is amazing

Okay I'm very confused how do you get to the jewelry store in Ep 7 I never went there?


You need to bury the box near the end of Ep 4

Someone can help me to find this hidden render please? 


Jestur, your game is the 2nd visual novel i played (aside from eternum) and i f'ing love it. your dedication to the graphics and story are phenomenal. but the most note worthy feature of the game i like is the attention to detail in the facial expressions from picture to picture. it adds alot of character to please keep doing what you do i love your game and it really sets the bar for other visual novels. that being said i believe if you and the maker of eternum got together and made a game it would break the genre. yall have alot to learn from each other as the leaders in this genre. yall are tied imo, for different reasons.

congrats on ep 7!!! ive been a fan since ep 5 and will continue as a fan, one day supporting you when i get the extra cash. please continue doing what you do!!

darci is best girl cause you nailed her mischievous face is so realistic. as a fan of quality i fully support your endeavors in this genre. the only thing that could be better is if you and  caribdis get together and make the blockbuster of all visual novels. 

heres to one of my top 2 Jestur!! keep it up you are a master!!! 

Requesting help, I downloaded the MAC version of the game directly from the webpage, now that Episode 7 has been updated out, how do I update it to save my previous game archive record?

You don't need to "update" your previous game. Just put both versions in the same directory and your saves should sync.

Thank you! But I'm a MAC and the download is an icon with no file content, do they automatically replace it?


Pro: Episode 7 is just as good as what had come before.

Con: Now I have to wait for episode 8.

Kinda hope this story never ends.


is there a guide for the game?

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great episode, Luna completely won best girl for me, was good to see a lot of the story start to take shape and setting up something juicy in the next one, can't wait for it.


WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!?! I just got through episode 7 and I'm over here like "FEED ME MORE!!" Jestur I don't know what you're thinking but keep it up! All I can say/ask is when is episode 8 gonna drop?! Cannot credit and praise you enough for this story. I'm sucked in like a ball of lint to a shop Vac, just gone. My mind is blown yet also satisfied but never fulfilled lol. I think I'll always want more to this story.

Wow! I've been following the saga since the release of episode 3 and wow, this episode was fantastic, I can definitely say that I follow this masterpiece for its story. The plot is engaging, the girls are charismatic (Skylar best girl) and it even has nsfw as a bonus. To Master Jestur, my sincere gratitude. You deserve all the success that is only destined to the greatest in the art.


So does any one know why after I install episode 7 it still ends at the end of episode 6 plays the credits and goes back to the main menu?

Best game ever (well Eternum is tied) can't wait for more content Jestur!!

(Yes it's me CrazyAlex from discord btw)


I finished the game without of sleeping the time I finish the game is 2.30pm

just finished ep. 7 cant wait  for the next one!! keep being awsome

I don't know where I stopped, seems like I skipped ahead a bit, if someone knows how to get the first two chapter 7 scenes that would be nice and possibly gives me a hint at where I stopped playing correctly back then.

The moment Darci is outside your Window.

I just noticed that I might have confused you, I forgot to write scene since I meant the first two scenes of that chapter.

I have the same issue and unclear how to unlock. First two scenes in episode 7. (Not the hidden scenes but in the gallery). 

the plot thickens

is this game coming to close soon as there is less scenes in the new ep there basically 2 compared to ep 5 which had 7 and ep 6 which had 5 so i was just wondering if its getting ended?!?


No, nothing has changed. This episode is just a little more of a story focused episode. There are still two long scenes with over 70+ animations in the sex scenes alone. Not every episode will be jam packed with sex. There needs to be story too. Thanks for playing. 

(1 edit) (+2)

How the new episode got me feeling like.
Deleted 197 days ago
Deleted 197 days ago

Heeeey Episode 7 finally, this notice made my day

Hi i need some help witch one im gonna download android (full) or android (compressed)

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Full is better, compressed is for low device, if you want to save storage space just use compressed.

Hi i love the game and i can't stop playing 😂 but i have problem i always play but i can't still unlock the other scene can you help me with this

Hey guys, im having a problem with ep 7 where i cant load my previous saves from update 6 to update 7, my saves from ep 6 are fine but when i load them on 7 they dont work and give me an error


It seems like some people are having trouble loading some of the saves from ep6. Keep going back and try other saves. You might have to try saves from ep5 or older and skip to the new content. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Are you planning to release a minor revision to 0.7 to address this? I know it's a small thing, but I'd rather not have to redo everything I did up until this point (or even a part of it) just to be able to play episode 7.


11.50pm the release episode 7 


Thank you as always! the ep seven is already out!


Where is update from episode 7 it's 17 right now


yeah I know, give it to us right now


Meh if you're patience is like that you're not gon get it go support the creator if you really want it now...i think the update will be uploaded later so be patient, we all have different time zone so don't expect to release in exact date.

has anyone found the "Mr. Bubbles" hidden render? i have played that scene multiple times and cannot find it.

(2 edits)

You need to choose Jessica in earlier episode (Skylor or Jessica)

and you will see new scene for Jessica

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