Couple of things I noticed in the text that you might want to have a look at. Apologies for wasting your time if you have already fixed them.
Tiffany "Okay, I will you tell the story about how I met your father." should be "...tell you..."
Tiffany "I immediately started busting up in laughter. I've never heard anyone talk to their car like that." should be "...I'd never..."
MC "(I know she's a cool landyland thats not easily embarrassed, but still.)" should be " landlady..."
Krystal "Last week, my friend Daphne and I landed on a movie about musical instruments that kill people, i think it was supposed to be a horror movie but laughed the entire time." should be "...we laughed..."
MC "(This doesn't make sense. If he's not at New Angeles University, he should be worker there.)" should be "...a worker..." or "...working..."
MC to Khloe & Jenny "Well, if it's to help Jenny out, I might be about to help." should be ",,,be willing to..." or " able to..."
Jenny "I'm want to do it again, but this time I want you to push my head Khloe." should be "I want..."
MC "(I have a couple of dollars left, so maybe I can grabe a snack and head to park until she gets out of class.)" should be "...head to the..."
Tiffany "I even called the police, but they wouldn't do anything because the person missing has to be gone for at least twenty-four hours before they will file a missings person report."shoudl be "...missing persons..."
Skylar "Your so deep, and it's so good!" should be "You're so..."
Krystal "*Sign* The frozen one worked, ..." should be "*Sigh*..."
MC "After kissing, the next thing you want to do is move to the neck and give soft and gently kisses like this..." should be "...gentle kisses..."
MC "She got bullied when she younger and sometimes still does. That's the last thing I need is for you to do the same." should be "...she was younger..." and "...does. The last..."
MC "(Okay, Daphne definitely wants hop on my pogo stick..." should be "... wants to hop..."
Thanks for the typos. Yeah some of these have already been fixed. I am hiring a professional proofreader next update. My old one didn't do a very good job. I'll fix the ones I don't have and have them corrected in the public release update coming up on the 18th.
As a hardcore fan of both fap VNs and Dark, this is great.
Once I saw where the game was headed, I considered restarting and renaming myself Jonas Kahnwald just to see if you had put some Easter eggs in, a yellow jacket, maybe.
I am hoping that the MC will end up outdoing Bartosz and be ground zero of pretty much everyone in town, Scarlett being the first of many. Maybe he can outdo Charlotte and become his own father. Maybe his own grandfather, too.
I didn't look to closely at the layout of the rooms in your story, but that is just one of many possibilities for Easter eggs that won't break copyright laws. A mobile home by a truck stop, lots of rain and no umbrellas, a watchmaker's shop...
I am very much looking forward to seeing how this all progresses. Keep it up, Jestur :)
Haha! Yeah, Dark is amazing. As much as I want to copy the greatness of Dark, this story will be different and not as crazy of a character tree. There's no way I can write a story as masterful done like those two did. I did take some inspiration from Dark, of course, and tons of other similar media, but I'm trying to make it somewhat unique. I'm glad your enjoyed it and I'll try to sneak some more Easter eggs in, in the future. Thanks for playing!
Recommendation: don't start with a wall of backstory. I know many do it, but not bc it's good, rather bc it is easy. It's very poor narrative, and also completely unnecessary. All the info comes naturally in the story when relevant, sometimes with just a lil tweak.
Yeah, I agree. I already plan to remaster ep1 and I want to do away with the disposition as the beginning and slowly put the information into the first episode. I have no writing experience and this is my first attempt so I'm learning as I go. I know it's pretty dumb to try to start with a story like this. But hey, we learn from our mistakes. Thanks for the recommendation. I hope you enjoyed the game.
Are you talking about Android or PC? Either way, I don't think you need to uninstall the old version. I think on Android it will update the old version automatically, but I'm not positive. I usually play games on PC and only test on Android. I'll get back to you on the android part because I forgot. On PC you don't need to, but you will save some drive space if you do.
Jestur, this game is amazing :D so happy to hear that update will be coming soon, its totally been worth the wait. Honestly the story idea is amazing and i cant wait to see where your gonna take it, its not often a VN has a story this well written that even without the sex i honestly think i would still want to find out more. 10/10
I just finished all the art/coding/dialogue. Just have to finish sound and then proofreading. Not much longer now. Probably release within the next week. Of course, my patrons will get early access and then it will be public after that. I will make a post of here soon with the release dates.
would you like me to bring covid to your city so it gets locked down, then you'll have plenty of time to work on it ;) butt seriously, excellent news :) best AVN in development right now, and one of the best in existence, well within the top 10, prolly in the top 3, got a feeling it will become #1 by the time its finished
I'm not sure if it's because of my old phone but I've downloaded the game multiple times on android and when I click to install it says "there was a problem while parsing the package" just curious to why that is. all other adult and non adult games on itch haven't given me problems
Hmm... Some phones won't install games over a certain size. Did you try the compressed version? Come to my discord and let me know how it goes, and maybe we can figure this out. I haven't had anyone else mention this problem so I will need your assistance. Sorry for the problem.
its your phone's problem. maybe youre still running on old android which doesnt support newer games like this. tried to instal dead cells into android 6/marshmallow and it didnt work. its not in the file size since in my tcl plex which has snapdragon 675 and android 10, i could still install 2gbs apk.
I just finished all the art/coding/dialogue. Just have to finish sound and then proofreading. Not much longer now. Probably release within the next week. Of course, my patrons will get early access and then it will be public after that. I will make a post of here soon with the release dates.
I just wanted to mention that the text on the store page mentions a Linux version but the official platforms listed don't. This may make it harder for potential Linux players to find the game because if they filter by games with Linux support this won't show up.
Shouldn't the Windows version work with Linux? When I build the package, I choose the Windows/Linux option. I don't have Linux at the moment so I can't test it. I will look into this when I build the new release. Come to my discord and I can have you test the builds and work with me if you want.
No, the Linux version is it's own version. The Linux executable is packaged properly right now and it works but somehow you have told that there is only a Windows, Android; and Mac version because that's the only platforms listed. Most likely just have to check a box with them although I have never published a game with The issue currently isn't that Linux gamers can't play Ripples but that if they go by the platforms listed by they may think that they can't because no Linux version is listed.
"How do you know I won't spy on you?" and then tell her to be more confident. Wait. lol Give her a compliment. And I guess just in case, say you also like adult games
I just finished all the art/coding/dialogue. Just have to finish sound and then proofreading. Not much longer now. Probably release within the next week. Of course, my patrons will get early access and then it will be public after that. I will make a post of here soon with the release dates.
hey Jestur amazing game just binged the entire thing in one day, can't wait for more. You probably get asked this alot but when is the next update coming out?
I just finished all the art/coding/dialogue. Just have to finish sound and then proofreading. Not much longer now. Probably release within the next week. Of course, my patrons will get early access and then it will be public after that. I will make a post of here soon with the release dates.
I'm done playing this game content..just asking if you can use old save files for the future updates btw this is a first 3d vn that I've enjoyed so work
You need to say you don't like chocolate mint, and have Riley points and assertive/aggressor points. There is a walkthrough pinned in my discord channel if you want to check it out further.
All round this is a great game - well written dialogue with engaging, distinct characters and a plot that legitimately hold the attention (at no point in my playthrough was I even tempted to start hammering the spacebar to move things along).
The visuals are equally solid, with care and effort clearly put into characters and backgrounds alike. The animation gets stronger as the game progresses, and by the end it is up there with City of Broken Dreamers in terms of quality and cinematic feel. Also really happy to see the episode end on a definitive note, not just a "here is what we've done so far, more to come later" type ending.
Really looking forward to future installments, I would give it a hearty recommendation to anyone with even a passing interest in adult VNs.
Played to the current end of the game (episode 3 part 1) in one sitting, because once I started I was so invested in it, that I couldn't stop playing. Took me about somewhere from 6-8 hrs if I kept track of time correctly :'D Soooo, so far this is on it's way to be one of my favourite Visual Novels, right up there with games like Sisterly Lust, Headmaster, My New Family. The game does not just have great potential, it's filled to the brim with it and the developer actively uses this potential effectively and makes it a great game. The character are all absolutely adorable and beautiful, the sceneries in which we find ourselves as players in are top notch and not just lazy background, the writing hits every spot it tries to hit, like when it comes to comedy it completely hits all of the comedic timings, the punchlines. But when it's getting serious and mysterious it also gets me glued to the screen and invested in it. The plot and overall concept are innovative and I, myself, haven't really found a comparable game to this one so far :) The images are great and I haven't seen animations used in this game in any other game I've played so far on here. Dunno how to describe it other than like a b-roll kind of edit animation. I just wish my computer wasn't such a piece of shit, so I could enjoy all the animations lag-free ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Other than that, I really don't know if there's any negative thing I'd have to say or constructive criticism that I'd have for this. Even if there's an unintentional, rare, mediocre, cringeworthy one-liner occassionaly (that isn't self-aware) it still adds to the charme of the game and doesn't at all diminish the immersion or quality. I'd recommend everyone who's looking at the comments deciding if they should or shouldn't try this game, to actually try it out and see for yourself. I really need to stop drooling over this game now, my comment is way too long :'D A full on 5/5 for me and definitely a new favourite, can't wait for future updates <3
how can you possibly compare the brilliant and exciting writing of Sisterly Lust and The Headmaster, to the boring and repetitive childish drivel in My New Family? this game is so fucking much better than that crap, i mean, this game has new dialogue in each conversation, not just the same old lines over and over again for hours on end, this game has humour instead of tired anime memes (in the true sense of word), and has up-to-date graphics with high quality animations. from a technical standpoint, its a whole generation ahead of My Inbred Family, and the authorship is talented and unique, and not just copy-pasta from last the update
Personally I feel like u are hating a little to much on MNF, u are right on some points but still. Personally I HATE the writing in sisterly lust. That is straight up trash, 2 out of 4 from the household looks terrible, so stop putting it on such a high pedestal, it ain't that great. MNF while lackluster at times in dialogue and animation, is far superior to SL. When re-reading your comment I can't really decide if it's satire or not, cause I cannot believe someone would think SL has brilliant dialouge. Well that's my take on this, I have been rambling to much so I'll just end it here...
oh yes, im hating on that game big time nowdays, after having spent a lot of time defending MNF from naysayers complaining about the incest, i gave a little feedback, as politely as possible, on how the dialogue was quite repetitive, with the same lines being used over and over again in each new update, just re-writes of the same conversations for what, 14 updates straight.. anyways, as a response, the dev decided i was only there to bitch about his game, banned me from his comment section, and deleted all my comments (except those defending his game). admin is a child, as you can tell from not only his reaction to feedback (notice how you cant see many negative comments on his thread, just look at how many deleted comments he has) but also in the quality (or lack thereof) his writing style. but, thats totally besides the point and does not reflect on just how well written the dialogue is in this game, and the meaningful choices and quality renders given in SL, even if the writing style is also a bit childish (i see it more as playful, but with MNF, its straightup childish degeneracy and reliance on dime-a-dozen anime meme to fill his "story", with the MC being clinically diagnosable sociopath to top it all off.. and this opinion is coming from a major fictional-incest fan, i mean, theres a reason i started playing it in the first place, its not like i dont like that type of thing. as for The Headmaster, well, thats just genius, the first ever well-written, funny, intelligent, and sexy game of its theme
Totally agree with you on your "headmaster" statement. And while what you are saying about MNF creator being childish and a dick, is kinda true. I do think u are being a little biased when comparing MNF and SL dialouge. While MNF's is repetetive, and mabye a little bland, SL fucking sucks. That is not childish, its cringe, and i was pretty close to quitting the game. Glad i didnt cause the story and characters is pretty interesting. But yeah, i get where u are coming from, but still feel like u are being a little to biased.
of course im being biased, this is not a scientific discussion at all lol, this is just my experienced opinion.. and its been a long time since i played SL, and i certainly cant remember instances of the dialogue, but what i do remember is that it was a higher quality game visually, and the story captured my attention and kept it, certainly it wasnt as well written as a masterpiece like dancing lessons, but certainly leagues ahead of MNF, which i wouldnt put in the same boat as either this game, or the headmaster, and that was really the only point i was trying to make here. what i think the MNF author has done, is latched onto a certain handful of keywords, and looks to create situations where those keywords can be dropped. to be fair he is onto something in that regard, but after a few chapters, it really gets tiring, i think the exact words i used in my feedback was "it is becoming a chore to read", and he really flipped out at that.. hell, i was a paying subscriber up til he banned me
anyways, lets get back to Ripples shall we? am i the only one who always thinks the title is "Slivers" when i try to look it up? or have i just picked up a subconscious cross wire somewhere?
Hey, if that's what you think about it, that's totally valid.
Never thought I'd get judged not for liking an incest game, but liking the wrong incest game in someone's opinion lol
For me, I interpreted the repetitive sections (if we're thinking about the same one's) as something that I really like, relate to personally and had a lack of during my life.
Like waking up, having a cute, little chat with Sandra and then going into the living room to talk with Lucy always gave me a sense of security, consistency, permanence, familiarity and overall a sense of dependance.
I can see how others think of this as repetitive and boring and I wouldn't force my pov on you for thinking so, so yea your point is totally valid, but not for everyone.
Ripples is still gonna be one of my favs among all these other games.
That's part of the charme of these games, everyone has their reasons for liking/disliking something :)
If you're baiting/trolling though, like the other person suspected then I guess fuck me for falling for it :'D
no, im n not trolling, that is my genuine opinion. and i get the "cute conversations" thing, and yes its cute for a little while, but if you've never experienced a boring relationship irl that ends up drifting apart (or maybe even cheating), thats how they go. i mean seriously, i was literally saying the words out loud before clicking on to the next screen in MNF, like, word for word, thats how bad it gets buy the end of the game. i gave up the game when i realised i was starting to tell the characters to stfu out loud as i played. mc doesnt have an original thing to say after the first two chapters.
SPOILER ALERT: i totally agree with your ripples comments, this is heading towards epic territory, in fact, i think it became epic at the point he went back in time. this game could easily become my new favourite, being that the game doesnt rely on kinks to carry it, and if you were to take most of the adult content out, i'd probably still like to read the story. we'll see how it turns out of course, but im hooked for now. pretty sure that was myself in the past helping me out, and i totally wont be surprised and will be overjoyed if i turn out to be my own father, and time-paradoxes be damned :D
Yea I also agree with your ripples comment, I thought the exact same when it came to possibly even taking the adult content out and it still being the great game that it is now :)
I've also had the same hypothesis when it came to your spoilers, thought the same, because we get told we look exactly like our father multiple times and other stuff that hints at the possibility of a paradox situation :'D
It's always a pleasant surprise when I find one of those few NSFW VNs that actually have an intriguing story. They don't come around very often but when they do they tend to be EXTRA special. This is definitely one of them!
Just finished and I'm looking forward to the future updates! I tend to enjoy more interactive games however the linear gameplay is still very good and the animations are an excellent touch and something I haven't seen before! Keep up the great work!
Can I ask what's the difference between the compressed file and a normal file, aside from their file sizes? Are some parts of the game got cut off in order to minimize the file size?
I'm trying to get it done this month. Going to be a big update. Right now, I'm already at 770 images and 65 animations. Not too much longer I hope. It will be worth the wait, I've put a lot of work into it.
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really awesome games...congrats for the amazing job cant wait for see more keep up the great work guys...
Great game, great girls. Undisputed 5 stars
shame, i gave it a full 100/100 stars.
5/100 stars is just insulting
Couple of things I noticed in the text that you might want to have a look at. Apologies for wasting your time if you have already fixed them.
Tiffany "Okay, I will you tell the story about how I met your father." should be "...tell you..."
Tiffany "I immediately started busting up in laughter. I've never heard anyone talk to their car like that." should be "...I'd never..."
MC "(I know she's a cool landyland thats not easily embarrassed, but still.)" should be " landlady..."
Krystal "Last week, my friend Daphne and I landed on a movie about musical instruments that kill people, i think it was supposed to be a horror movie but laughed the entire time." should be "...we laughed..."
MC "(This doesn't make sense. If he's not at New Angeles University, he should be worker there.)" should be "...a worker..." or "...working..."
MC to Khloe & Jenny "Well, if it's to help Jenny out, I might be about to help." should be ",,,be willing to..." or " able to..."
Jenny "I'm want to do it again, but this time I want you to push my head Khloe." should be "I want..."
MC "(I have a couple of dollars left, so maybe I can grabe a snack and head to park until she gets out of class.)" should be "...head to the..."
Tiffany "I even called the police, but they wouldn't do anything because the person missing has to be gone for at least twenty-four hours before they will file a missings person report."shoudl be "...missing persons..."
Skylar "Your so deep, and it's so good!" should be "You're so..."
Krystal "*Sign* The frozen one worked, ..." should be "*Sigh*..."
MC "After kissing, the next thing you want to do is move to the neck and give soft and gently kisses like this..." should be "...gentle kisses..."
MC "She got bullied when she younger and sometimes still does. That's the last thing I need is for you to do the same." should be "...she was younger..." and "...does. The last..."
MC "(Okay, Daphne definitely wants hop on my pogo stick..." should be "... wants to hop..."
Looking forward to the next release.
Thanks for the typos. Yeah some of these have already been fixed. I am hiring a professional proofreader next update. My old one didn't do a very good job. I'll fix the ones I don't have and have them corrected in the public release update coming up on the 18th.
Thanks and good luck with the release. Fingers crossed.
Games good so far I am enjoying it. Can't wait for next chapter. Keep up the good work
Bro i need a gamesave of chapter 3, i miss click and save the start of the game
If you have a discord, stop on in. I'm sure someone will hook you up.
What's the deifference between the normal apk and the compressed apk?
30 fps animations instead of 60 and more compressed images.
Eh, i like the 3d model, they look gorgeous and don't looks weird, the story is alright, it's enjoyable.
But the graphics alone make it worth it to play
As a hardcore fan of both fap VNs and Dark, this is great.
Once I saw where the game was headed, I considered restarting and renaming myself Jonas Kahnwald just to see if you had put some Easter eggs in, a yellow jacket, maybe.
I am hoping that the MC will end up outdoing Bartosz and be ground zero of pretty much everyone in town, Scarlett being the first of many. Maybe he can outdo Charlotte and become his own father. Maybe his own grandfather, too.
I didn't look to closely at the layout of the rooms in your story, but that is just one of many possibilities for Easter eggs that won't break copyright laws. A mobile home by a truck stop, lots of rain and no umbrellas, a watchmaker's shop...
I am very much looking forward to seeing how this all progresses. Keep it up, Jestur :)
Haha! Yeah, Dark is amazing. As much as I want to copy the greatness of Dark, this story will be different and not as crazy of a character tree. There's no way I can write a story as masterful done like those two did. I did take some inspiration from Dark, of course, and tons of other similar media, but I'm trying to make it somewhat unique. I'm glad your enjoyed it and I'll try to sneak some more Easter eggs in, in the future. Thanks for playing!
Recommendation: don't start with a wall of backstory. I know many do it, but not bc it's good, rather bc it is easy. It's very poor narrative, and also completely unnecessary. All the info comes naturally in the story when relevant, sometimes with just a lil tweak.
Yeah, I agree. I already plan to remaster ep1 and I want to do away with the disposition as the beginning and slowly put the information into the first episode. I have no writing experience and this is my first attempt so I'm learning as I go. I know it's pretty dumb to try to start with a story like this. But hey, we learn from our mistakes. Thanks for the recommendation. I hope you enjoyed the game.
When is chapter 4 or 3/2 coming out?
0.35 public release should be July 15
Hello, I'm new to adult games and this website and I'm wondering, when the game updates, do I have to uninstall the game so I can play the new update?
Are you talking about Android or PC? Either way, I don't think you need to uninstall the old version. I think on Android it will update the old version automatically, but I'm not positive. I usually play games on PC and only test on Android. I'll get back to you on the android part because I forgot. On PC you don't need to, but you will save some drive space if you do.
enjoying episode three, keep up the good work!
Going through chapter 2 rn and gotta say I love the game so far. All the references to Dark are really neat :)
Jestur, this game is amazing :D so happy to hear that update will be coming soon, its totally been worth the wait. Honestly the story idea is amazing and i cant wait to see where your gonna take it, its not often a VN has a story this well written that even without the sex i honestly think i would still want to find out more. 10/10
Day 23, still waiting for next update 👌🏼
I just finished all the art/coding/dialogue. Just have to finish sound and then proofreading. Not much longer now. Probably release within the next week. Of course, my patrons will get early access and then it will be public after that.
I will make a post of here soon with the release dates.
would you like me to bring covid to your city so it gets locked down, then you'll have plenty of time to work on it ;)
butt seriously, excellent news :) best AVN in development right now, and one of the best in existence, well within the top 10, prolly in the top 3, got a feeling it will become #1 by the time its finished
I'm not sure if it's because of my old phone but I've downloaded the game multiple times on android and when I click to install it says "there was a problem while parsing the package" just curious to why that is. all other adult and non adult games on itch haven't given me problems
Hmm... Some phones won't install games over a certain size. Did you try the compressed version? Come to my discord and let me know how it goes, and maybe we can figure this out. I haven't had anyone else mention this problem so I will need your assistance. Sorry for the problem.
its your phone's problem. maybe youre still running on old android which doesnt support newer games like this. tried to instal dead cells into android 6/marshmallow and it didnt work. its not in the file size since in my tcl plex which has snapdragon 675 and android 10, i could still install 2gbs apk.
how long til next update?
I just finished all the art/coding/dialogue. Just have to finish sound and then proofreading. Not much longer now. Probably release within the next week. Of course, my patrons will get early access and then it will be public after that.
I will make a post of here soon with the release dates.
Thanks for the hard work! Keep it up!
I just wanted to mention that the text on the store page mentions a Linux version but the official platforms listed don't. This may make it harder for potential Linux players to find the game because if they filter by games with Linux support this won't show up.
Shouldn't the Windows version work with Linux? When I build the package, I choose the Windows/Linux option. I don't have Linux at the moment so I can't test it. I will look into this when I build the new release. Come to my discord and I can have you test the builds and work with me if you want.
No, the Linux version is it's own version. The Linux executable is packaged properly right now and it works but somehow you have told that there is only a Windows, Android; and Mac version because that's the only platforms listed. Most likely just have to check a box with them although I have never published a game with The issue currently isn't that Linux gamers can't play Ripples but that if they go by the platforms listed by they may think that they can't because no Linux version is listed.
Oh! I see what you are saying now. I forgot to check the Linux box. I'll fix that.
Thanks for bringing it up. 😄
No worries. Sometimes it's tough finding the right words but you got my meaning. Thanks for the fix.
How to unlock the scene of Khloe and Jenny?
"How do you know I won't spy on you?" and then
tell her to be more confident. Wait. lol Give her a compliment. And I guess just in case, say you also like adult gamesWhen's the next episode?
I just finished all the art/coding/dialogue. Just have to finish sound and then proofreading. Not much longer now. Probably release within the next week. Of course, my patrons will get early access and then it will be public after that.
I will make a post of here soon with the release dates.
Thank you for not giving up on this game.
hey Jestur amazing game just binged the entire thing in one day, can't wait for more. You probably get asked this alot but when is the next update coming out?
I just finished all the art/coding/dialogue. Just have to finish sound and then proofreading. Not much longer now. Probably release within the next week. Of course, my patrons will get early access and then it will be public after that.
I will make a post of here soon with the release dates.
I'm done playing this game content..just asking if you can use old save files for the future updates btw this is a first 3d vn that I've enjoyed so work
You should be able to use older saves. And thanks! I'm glad your enjoyed it.
Is there any difference in content regarding the compressed file ?
i think there isn't...just the graphics I guess
Just more compressed images. Animations are 30fps instead of 60. So just a lower quality, bit still looks pretty good on a smaller screen.
what is the anime jessica and mc watch in episode 2? looks familiar
seishun buta yarou/rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai
hmm... looked more like fruit of grisaia to me but im not sure
they watch three anime I think.
1.Bunny girl senpai
2. Grisia (Don't which one of the series)
3. angel beats
Yes, it's fruit of grisaia that he watches with Jessica and with Alyssa they watch Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai.
How to take control of riley?
You need to say you don't like chocolate mint, and have Riley points and assertive/aggressor points. There is a walkthrough pinned in my discord channel if you want to check it out further.
I was playing the the time travel sequence and noticed that phone number was familiar, 867-5309 Jenny Jenny you're the girl for me!
All round this is a great game - well written dialogue with engaging, distinct characters and a plot that legitimately hold the attention (at no point in my playthrough was I even tempted to start hammering the spacebar to move things along).
The visuals are equally solid, with care and effort clearly put into characters and backgrounds alike. The animation gets stronger as the game progresses, and by the end it is up there with City of Broken Dreamers in terms of quality and cinematic feel. Also really happy to see the episode end on a definitive note, not just a "here is what we've done so far, more to come later" type ending.
Really looking forward to future installments, I would give it a hearty recommendation to anyone with even a passing interest in adult VNs.
Played to the current end of the game (episode 3 part 1) in one sitting, because once I started I was so invested in it, that I couldn't stop playing.
Took me about somewhere from 6-8 hrs if I kept track of time correctly :'D
Soooo, so far this is on it's way to be one of my favourite Visual Novels, right up there with games like Sisterly Lust, Headmaster, My New Family.
The game does not just have great potential, it's filled to the brim with it and the developer actively uses this potential effectively and makes it a great game.
The character are all absolutely adorable and beautiful, the sceneries in which we find ourselves as players in are top notch and not just lazy background, the writing hits every spot it tries to hit, like when it comes to comedy it completely hits all of the comedic timings, the punchlines.
But when it's getting serious and mysterious it also gets me glued to the screen and invested in it.
The plot and overall concept are innovative and I, myself, haven't really found a comparable game to this one so far :)
The images are great and I haven't seen animations used in this game in any other game I've played so far on here. Dunno how to describe it other than like a b-roll kind of edit animation.
I just wish my computer wasn't such a piece of shit, so I could enjoy all the animations lag-free ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Other than that, I really don't know if there's any negative thing I'd have to say or constructive criticism that I'd have for this.
Even if there's an unintentional, rare, mediocre, cringeworthy one-liner occassionaly (that isn't self-aware) it still adds to the charme of the game and doesn't at all diminish the immersion or quality.
I'd recommend everyone who's looking at the comments deciding if they should or shouldn't try this game, to actually try it out and see for yourself.
I really need to stop drooling over this game now, my comment is way too long :'D
A full on 5/5 for me and definitely a new favourite, can't wait for future updates <3
how can you possibly compare the brilliant and exciting writing of Sisterly Lust and The Headmaster, to the boring and repetitive childish drivel in My New Family? this game is so fucking much better than that crap, i mean, this game has new dialogue in each conversation, not just the same old lines over and over again for hours on end, this game has humour instead of tired anime memes (in the true sense of word), and has up-to-date graphics with high quality animations.
from a technical standpoint, its a whole generation ahead of My Inbred Family, and the authorship is talented and unique, and not just copy-pasta from last the update
Personally I feel like u are hating a little to much on MNF, u are right on some points but still. Personally I HATE the writing in sisterly lust. That is straight up trash, 2 out of 4 from the household looks terrible, so stop putting it on such a high pedestal, it ain't that great. MNF while lackluster at times in dialogue and animation, is far superior to SL. When re-reading your comment I can't really decide if it's satire or not, cause I cannot believe someone would think SL has brilliant dialouge. Well that's my take on this, I have been rambling to much so I'll just end it here...
oh yes, im hating on that game big time nowdays, after having spent a lot of time defending MNF from naysayers complaining about the incest, i gave a little feedback, as politely as possible, on how the dialogue was quite repetitive, with the same lines being used over and over again in each new update, just re-writes of the same conversations for what, 14 updates straight.. anyways, as a response, the dev decided i was only there to bitch about his game, banned me from his comment section, and deleted all my comments (except those defending his game). admin is a child, as you can tell from not only his reaction to feedback (notice how you cant see many negative comments on his thread, just look at how many deleted comments he has) but also in the quality (or lack thereof) his writing style.
but, thats totally besides the point and does not reflect on just how well written the dialogue is in this game, and the meaningful choices and quality renders given in SL, even if the writing style is also a bit childish (i see it more as playful, but with MNF, its straightup childish degeneracy and reliance on dime-a-dozen anime meme to fill his "story", with the MC being clinically diagnosable sociopath to top it all off.. and this opinion is coming from a major fictional-incest fan, i mean, theres a reason i started playing it in the first place, its not like i dont like that type of thing.
as for The Headmaster, well, thats just genius, the first ever well-written, funny, intelligent, and sexy game of its theme
Totally agree with you on your "headmaster" statement. And while what you are saying about MNF creator being childish and a dick, is kinda true. I do think u are being a little biased when comparing MNF and SL dialouge. While MNF's is repetetive, and mabye a little bland, SL fucking sucks. That is not childish, its cringe, and i was pretty close to quitting the game. Glad i didnt cause the story and characters is pretty interesting. But yeah, i get where u are coming from, but still feel like u are being a little to biased.
of course im being biased, this is not a scientific discussion at all lol, this is just my experienced opinion.. and its been a long time since i played SL, and i certainly cant remember instances of the dialogue, but what i do remember is that it was a higher quality game visually, and the story captured my attention and kept it, certainly it wasnt as well written as a masterpiece like dancing lessons, but certainly leagues ahead of MNF, which i wouldnt put in the same boat as either this game, or the headmaster, and that was really the only point i was trying to make here.
what i think the MNF author has done, is latched onto a certain handful of keywords, and looks to create situations where those keywords can be dropped. to be fair he is onto something in that regard, but after a few chapters, it really gets tiring, i think the exact words i used in my feedback was "it is becoming a chore to read", and he really flipped out at that.. hell, i was a paying subscriber up til he banned me
anyways, lets get back to Ripples shall we?
am i the only one who always thinks the title is "Slivers" when i try to look it up? or have i just picked up a subconscious cross wire somewhere?
Hey, if that's what you think about it, that's totally valid.
Never thought I'd get judged not for liking an incest game, but liking the wrong incest game in someone's opinion lol
For me, I interpreted the repetitive sections (if we're thinking about the same one's) as something that I really like, relate to personally and had a lack of during my life.
Like waking up, having a cute, little chat with Sandra and then going into the living room to talk with Lucy always gave me a sense of security, consistency, permanence, familiarity and overall a sense of dependance.
I can see how others think of this as repetitive and boring and I wouldn't force my pov on you for thinking so, so yea your point is totally valid, but not for everyone.
Ripples is still gonna be one of my favs among all these other games.
That's part of the charme of these games, everyone has their reasons for liking/disliking something :)
If you're baiting/trolling though, like the other person suspected then I guess fuck me for falling for it :'D
no, im n not trolling, that is my genuine opinion. and i get the "cute conversations" thing, and yes its cute for a little while, but if you've never experienced a boring relationship irl that ends up drifting apart (or maybe even cheating), thats how they go.
i mean seriously, i was literally saying the words out loud before clicking on to the next screen in MNF, like, word for word, thats how bad it gets buy the end of the game. i gave up the game when i realised i was starting to tell the characters to stfu out loud as i played. mc doesnt have an original thing to say after the first two chapters.
i totally agree with your ripples comments, this is heading towards epic territory, in fact, i think it became epic at the point he went back in time. this game could easily become my new favourite, being that the game doesnt rely on kinks to carry it, and if you were to take most of the adult content out, i'd probably still like to read the story. we'll see how it turns out of course, but im hooked for now. pretty sure that was myself in the past helping me out, and i totally wont be surprised and will be overjoyed if i turn out to be my own father, and time-paradoxes be damned :D
Yea I also agree with your ripples comment, I thought the exact same when it came to possibly even taking the adult content out and it still being the great game that it is now :)
I've also had the same hypothesis when it came to your spoilers, thought the same, because we get told we look exactly like our father multiple times and other stuff that hints at the possibility of a paradox situation :'D
Damn... Stuff got heated for sure. But yea the MNF is kinda boring for me. It's kinda mehh. I don't hate it but yea. Anyways chill down dude.
Damn... if thats what passes for "heated" nowdays, then that surely explains outrage culture
amazed to find a nod to the raven that refused to sing, nice!
whens the next update
if you join the discord in the link above and press on the announcements page it will say
I'm guessing it'll be done about June
ok thank you
Haha! I'm glad you noticed. There's lot of reference to lots of things throughout the game. I'm glad you enjoy, my friend.
Keep rockin' on!
It's always a pleasant surprise when I find one of those few NSFW VNs that actually have an intriguing story. They don't come around very often but when they do they tend to be EXTRA special. This is definitely one of them!
Thanks! That means a lot to hear you say that. I try hard to make it a unique experience. Thanks for playing!
Just finished and I'm looking forward to the future updates! I tend to enjoy more interactive games however the linear gameplay is still very good and the animations are an excellent touch and something I haven't seen before! Keep up the great work!
Can I ask what's the difference between the compressed file and a normal file, aside from their file sizes? Are some parts of the game got cut off in order to minimize the file size?
No, just compressed and also animations are 30fps instead of 60.
excellent game, many well-made scenes
Holy smokes! I love all the girls in this game, they're all hot in their own way. I also like the story. Keep it up dev!
Hey Dev,
When'll be the next update??? It's been a while since the last update.....
I'm trying to get it done this month. Going to be a big update. Right now, I'm already at 770 images and 65 animations. Not too much longer I hope. It will be worth the wait, I've put a lot of work into it.
It's going to be a good update! 😁
Oh WoW, that's going to be awesome.... Can't wait for the update.... I'm sure it's going to be worth the wait....
Looking forward to it. The story itself is intriguing and I can't wait to learn a few more mysteries.
bro the animations are great, the girls are great, and I actually like the story. Keep up the good work man