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So I just started playing this game (which so far the 20 mins I have been playing have been a lot of fun! Funny dialog and characters so far and its a blast so far and I can tell I will enjoy the whole store so far) but I just got to the part where Darci gets to school and talks about whats-her-faces dad buying up all the businesses  and replacing her favorite donut shop with a starbux and the name just clicked on me.. the name of the donut shop was Dee's Donuts... Deez-nuts and I'm wheezing right now with a full fledged face palm at the same time.. that's great xD. Had to pause and come comment this cuz deeznuts xD 


oh and nice use of the Fibonacci Series as well lo




this story is insane. keep up the good work.


probably the only game i check weekly for updates (even though i know im being impatient).
the game is just that good.


Same here, I have a bunch of other VN on my device, but this is the one that I have been checking the most for updates.


So, last time I tried to download this on my Android (about 3-4 months ago), it kept trying to crash my homescreen. About to try it again and will give update on if problem is fixed.

(1 edit)

If it doesn't work, try the links on my Patreon page or Subscribestar. I noticed some people have been having trouble with itch downloads and I don't know why. Let me know how it goes. 


worked beautifully this time. Fantastic game so far. Can't wait for more.


This is the best Visual Novel ever, beautiful figures, hilarious dialogues, great stories. I'm very much looking forward to the next episode!

(1 edit) (+4)

Working on it now. Hopefully it will be ready next month but it's hard for me to say, but I have a lot done so far.


I've literally laughed out loud repeatedly.  This is amazing and the reveal of the time... spoiler ...plot is nicely done.  Lots of foreshadowing.


The part when the grandma comes in during the mortal Kombat match in Darci's room 🤣🤣🤣🤣

That is pure gold.

Do I have to redownload for every new update?

No you can just download the new version it will overide the old version


Wow Jestur I'm Completely amazed by how wonderful the game and the story is I really wanna thank you a 100%! Still on Episode 2 btw and im enjoying it soo much The best game I've played this month haha. Im still completely amazed 😂😂

Thanks! I'm glad you are enjoying it. I imagine you are done with it now. 


Any news about the episode 4?


Working on it now. Hopefully, it will be ready next month but it's hard for me to say. I'm terrible at ETAs, but I do have a lot done so far.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you. I hope you know you're doing an amazing job.


This is so amazing and is top 3 in the best adult novels the story is very nice and so are the characters please keep making this even better jestur

Thanks Derp. I'm glad you enjoyed it.  🙂


My presence here explains my Username I like that last dream part 'It's time to go back'. And that twist with skylar I'd like to find out more I'll wait for it hope you live long legend


This is one of the best Adult Visual Novels I have experienced. Truthfully, the story premise sounded a little corny to me. But, I decided to give this a try and I am so glad I did. I was amazed at how the story starts and how it progresses. Your Visual novel has inspired me to go back and maybe finish one I started years ago, but gave up because I felt like no one would like an Adult VN that didn't have anime art and graphics.  Thanks for all the work you have put into this.    


Thanks, Drax. I'm glad to hear that. 🙂

Good luck on your VN! 

Found a small typo:


I just corrected it. It will be fixed in the next update. 


Great stuff,no complaints at all.


next update suspense is killer  ;(


Great game!! waiting for the next update


i love it. this is the best vn i played so far!! it has an amasing storyline, warm-hearted dialogues and absolutely fantastic animations. cant wait for the next episode


when is the next update?
i wonder


Working on it now. I have a lot done. I can't give an ETA because I'm always wrong when I do, but I will try to post some updates when I'm getting really close.


sweet can't wait for the next chap 


Easily the best told VN story I have read till date. I just love the subtle story telling.


so Skylar just broke up with the mc because her mom said he is a bad person without trying to know what exactly she mean or at least talk with him ? after all we went through and we just got her bitch of mom a job wtf??!!! Skylar was my best girl and I was very excited for her new content but I was very very very disappointed I actually only played for her but I think I lost interest in the game and will cancel my Patreon thx for everything till now but I can't just move on from that scene it made me so frustrated.


first... don´t spoiler!....  o_0 second...  read between the lines  do you really think it´s over with her  ? 0____0 there is more  content to come :P so just wait and chill  out ^^ 


Lol. Chill out. MC said to halved their relationship that's all. Nothing more. And I think their relationship will build up again right after the MC got a better relationship with Jessica.


There's a lot of story that's yet to be revealed.  Patience will serve you much better than impotent rage.


Are you this angry about an imaginary girl?

(7 edits)

I felt the same way,, yet I got mass neg repped too.  So heres a Pos rep :)  I feel ya bro, thats what disappointed me too (but I accept its part of her character for the story) Shes the type who didnt bother to find out why your "a bad man" after those great times with you just had with her and pulled her mother out of poverty. Even after accepting to risk your relationship with your step sis just to sort it out. Lucky enough, I liked the other girls better ^_~. So I can push her, as water under a bridge ^_~. The step sis is going to be one wild one to tame ^_~ Safety helmets on!
But If you like the game and wanted to support it, I dont think its right to quit now,  Have hope, that maybe in coming chapters she might grovel down and beg forgiveness. Who knows. Shes not outside of a redemption arc.  She'd need alot to make up for tho

(1 edit) (+4)

This is, in my opinion, the best VN that I have ever seen to date. The graphics of the characters are incredible and the story is great also. I can't wait for the next update. Speaking of which, is there any idea when the nextuupdate will be released?

Thanks, Messnera. It makes me happy to hear you say those things.
I'm working on the next update right now, and I have a lot done. I can't give an ETA because I'm always wrong when I do, but I will try to post some updates when I'm getting really close. 

(9 edits) (-6)

wow, Skylar did a fantastic job loosing me. While shes not really my type, with the whole "Karen haircut", punk outlook. She seemed nice enough to give a chance form the interactions. Then bham, its "my mum said you very bad man, so bye, dont talk to me again".  After the kindness we showed through getting her mum a job and all, and hanging out with her those times. Then this!  well fuck you too. Thats what I call being spat in a face.  Unless its going to be written in her story were she begs for forgiveness or tries to make it up to us. She can kiss the D goodbye. Really hope you dont make the MC mope about it. He got screwed over.

but other than that. After playing through the game to its current content, its been a blast. I like most of the characters. Dacris great. I actually enjoy that shes been a bit of a tomboy, but now is opening up and becoming more feminine after getting older , like using make up, doing her hair, and hopefully soon wearing dresses ? Which was also noted by Krystal. I like the path this fruitloop is heading. Hopefully dresses ^_~

As for secks scenes, well I loved the "deviant" mode with Riley, the shoe was a perfect touch. I hope to see more of this deviant mode ^_~. Also loved the ice-cream with Krystal and Delphne. I dont know why, but I really love girls who like to lick and sniff alot. Maybe theres just something wrong with me. 

I just removed this part, since I felt maybe its too much spoilers, but I will say this, I strongly believe in a butterfly effect, I hope the MC is careful and knows what he shouldnt do  Anyway keep up the good work. Its interesting enough that I would like to see what happens next.

(2 edits) (+4)

skylar is best girl, devoted, hot, sexy and yet traditional enough to respect her mothers advice and to not hurt her friends nonchalantly ..
meanwhile, riley is literally working against you.

(7 edits) (-1)

devoted ? Are you sure about that, do you even know what the word means. Her mum "said" that we were bad man, and so she broke up with us without ever trying to find out why. After the good things we did for her.  Made trying to work something out with Jessica a waste of time too.  If shes your best girl, then fine. Didnt say anything about Riley being on our side... yet. I was actually pleased how we could handle her and was complimenting the scene/secks as very good.  Maybe you angry I called you out on your definition and misuse of NTR being bullshit on that other page. 

(1 edit)

why would i be angry that some stranger was wrong on the internet?
that seems futile, you strangers on the internet are wrong every day, i mean look just here.. you're wrong again!


My dude called her hairstyle a Karen hairstyle while also saying she has a punk outlook. Everyday a sucker is born


Are you okay?


really good game good story shared it to my friends 10/10


Oh man, the story is really amazing! I thought that the story is gonna be pretty linear since the main theme has already been ran into the ground by multiple sci-fi visual novels in the past, but boy was I wrong. It's hard to praise how good the main theme is without giving spoilers so I'm just gonna go ahead and say that you did an amazing job! Not to mention the animations, both the h-scenes and non-h-scenes are so satisfying to watch since they are so smooth, even the facial expressions fit the character's emotions so well. Another great thing about this is the interaction between the characters, whenever the MC interacts with them; the main girls primarily. However, I felt like some characters, specifically the MILFs, are just craving for some vitamin D for a very shallow reason. Other than that, I feel like I'm watching a real conversation between friends, unlike in some games where the conversations felt like they were written by a 12-year old or something. You can definitely feel that the MC and Darci are really good friends just by going through with their usual banters. The episode ending left on probably one of the best cliffhangers I've ever seen (is it weird if it reminded me of the infamous scene from the Cyberpunk 2077 trailer?)! All in all, this game is top-notch and really deserves all the support that it can get! I would really like to support the game on Patreon but I'm still just a college student and I have to manage my budgets wisely so the best I can do for now is to show how much I loved the game. Thanks for the hard work, and rest assured that I, along with your other supporters will be here cheering you on every step of the way! 


I have to say the story and everything overall exceeded what I was expecting. Its rare to find a game like this with a good story and unique characters i can relate to. Looking forward to new episodes yo ;d

can i play this on joiplay?


Wish you guys can compress the's to big and not yet completed


Hope,they will redo the size of this game 😓

Deleted 2 years ago

not by resolution but on many cg from only 1 character..if this game complete,I don't think this game can be download on 2nd PC due to oversize data..I've saw 1 game before with over 6Gb compress data..took me more than 6+ hour and it can't be transfer due to it size..maybe it's time to me to give up on this game..thanks for your reply...

Deleted 2 years ago

I will try to make a compressed build next update. If I forget, write in the comments and remind me. The game is pretty big because there are already almost 300 video animations. The game is already compressed a little but I will try to make one a lot smaller next time but the quality won't be as good. 


Great game. Like the storyline hope part 4 will be out soon.

How do I transfer my saves on Mac?


I don't have a Mac so I can't really tell you, but you shouldn't have to transfer your saves. I do have a few MacOS users and none of them had problems with saves. If you want I can ask one of them about saves. Come to my discord and we'll try to figure it out. 


this is so good and i love the George Carlin "7 dirty words" part ,i burst out laughing at that part :)

Glad you caught that. 🤣


Good VN, Waiting for Part 4!!! Hope it's not gonna be Paid when it becomes Full Ver. $1 is ₱48-54 in PH.


Man cmon thats just selfish - some games are worth it and THIS is one of them. 


I don't have money ok? Plus even buy a sliced bread cost like ₱100-150 in convert to USD it's just $2-3.


I can't even buy my Favorite game so i just download Crack Versions, Even a Osu!Supporter cost ₱200 convert to USD it's just $4.


I'm sorry ok, It's ok to call me selfish everyone says that to me anyways even in the house.


Man I don't need to hear your life story. Move on. 


This game will always be free, but patrons get early access, custom art, wallpapers, discord ranks, and so on.

thanks man, it's really just a blessing. It's insanely good afterall.


 why did you have to end it with such a good cliffhanger! I want to read more but I have to wait for the development. such a good game and I cant wait to see what kind of plot twists you put in here. you definitely have your own personality when it comes to the story.


By far one of the best games I've played on this website. the characters and dialog feel real, not like some words to make you get to the next porn scene or whatever. The interactions with the characters made me genuinely laugh sometimes and the characters are lovable. the animations alone make me feel that this game shouldn't be free. I wish the best for the dev and for this game :)


One of the best games I've played, only played through it once and only missed out on one scene, cant wait to see what comes next 

Is Shelby an option now and if so do I have to tell her off, or let her slide?

Man i loved the game, it had so many details, I am not a disinger and i don`t know much game development but i can say that is so much affection and care in this game, like we say in my country: Juegazo. When is it finished and if i can buy it i will definitely will. keep it up.

and sorry if it the mesagge is wrong writed, inglish is my 2º leguage 


No worries, my friend. I'm glad you enjoyed it. The story will start getting really interesting in the next couple of episodes.    😁


I have to agree here, nothing I've played on this site has so much invested into the scenes. The facial expressions, the movements, the flesh reacting to movements and touch, the sound design, S Tier quality.

Hello. Can someone please let me know if you can use the saves from the older version in this version? Or do you need to start again? Thank you!


You can, but if you're ok Android you have to copy the saves from the old directory. Read the changelog above.

OK, thanks Jestur. No, I am not playing it on Android, just a PC.


I really like this game so far! From the visuals, to the captivating story, to of course the amazing NSFW scenes. I'll definently be checking out even more updates in the future! And oh boy i thought the chapter 3 part 1 cliffhanger was bad xD. This update's one is even worse! Can't wait for the next update.

Anyway, i just wanted to let you know that the game you're working hard to make, has definently been worth your efforts :D

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