Parse error most likely means your download is corrupted. Try redownloading and install the app again, also making sure you are installing the app fresh.
Yeh try downloading again with a different browser, and you have to uninstall the original version first, or it will come up with errors, i found this out, unfortunately before i read that Jestur had already said this in the update notes haha! My bad!
-Delete the old Ripples app and deleting all data/cache may also be required. -You are required to do a fresh install and to start a new game for the remaster. Don't transfer and use old save! -Make sure you have a least 10GB of free space and have allowed unknown sources enabled.
I dont think so, its just for this one as it changes the beginning, however Jestur did say i believe that when the next chapter comes out that it should work with the old game and also the new one.
Hey Jestur, is that right that the next chapter will work with 4.1 and 4.6?
Im struggling to install the APK file, every time i try to install it just says that the install failed as the file is invalid? Anyone else get this problem? Please help!
UPDATE: ok so I got it to work, I made a backup of my saves file in com.jestur.ripples and then uninstall the original installation, then when I tried to install the new 0.4.6 apk, it worked, and I have the game running fine! So it appears it's just an issue with the upgrade part of it, I hope this helps anyone else trying to install on Android.
Thank you Jestur for replying, yeh sorry that was my bad, i was so eager to play the new version, i went straight to install lol.
what made you decide to alter some of the storyline? Like with what Krystal shows in the classroom, before she fully exposed herself, but now it was just a flash of underwear. Was it for more life like interactions?
If so, I totally understand that, I like what you have done, I think with a game like this with such an amazing storyline, adding in some more real to life situations definitely can only enhance the gameplay, I can't wait to see what you do with the next chapter, I'm so into this game, I had to donate, it just felt right.
PSA before you install: The remake is a downgrade! What was kissing and an assgrab in the previous version is now just sitting on your lap, a blowjob was downgraded to rubbing her butt over the pants, and probably more that comes after I turned it of and uninstalled.
It's not a downgrade. The kiss was moved to the second Darci scene and the blowjob was moved to Krystal's house scene. I shortened some scenes and extended other scenes to make the flow and progression more natural. You should have kept playing, but it's okay. If you're only playing for the sex scenes and don't care about the quality of the story, then this isn't going to be the game for you. I appreciate you checking it out in the first place, though.
If you feel like that was a personal attack, maybe the internet isn't right for you. And just wait till you get into the real world where people actually attack you. Holy Zeus mate, grow some thicker skin.
I feel that "you only care for the sex scenes" qualifies as a personal attack, yes. It's essentially calling the other person shallow. And it's a really bad method of covering up yet another failure to communicate.
First he fails to notify itch of his remake plans, and responds to those telling him a note would have been nice with passive-aggressive posts like "I'm sorry you were surprised", "if you had joined my discord" and such, then he fails to manage expectations by mentioning that early scenes have been toned down, but overall content isnt reduced, and responds to the inevitably resulting misunderstanding with personal attacks.
This is not about soft skin either. I could care less about Jestur acting like a discord mod. He's the one that's ultimately suffering from his bad storefront manners. I just think that he really needs to improve his communication, and am not afraid to risk a bit of animosity to give him a pointer or two.
Someone has way to much time on their hands 😅 Hey I have an idea, instead of moaning about small details and also insulting the Dev and not expecting some kind of comeback, especially on a game that if you want to be unsupportive is actually absolutely FREE!! Why don't you actually play it through fully, before passing premature judgement 😒 🙄 and giving friendly constructive criticism instead of being a lil B**** about it! Or.... just bugger off and don't come back here, simple really. Haha I bet you will have something to say to this message too 🤣
There is a Mediafire link on my patreon page. I wouldn't download from any page that isn't official because I can't verify that the game wasn't altered on those pages. So either this page, my patreon, or subscribestar are the only sites I personally upload to.
Hi Jestur, really great work you're doing and i love the renders. Can i ask what software you use to make your renders and characters, and where you get your assets? Keep up the good work
My old save files will not anymore because of the remaster right ? Are you gonna remaster all of the ep? If no, then i will start now and finish it but if yes, then maybe i will wait cause i dont want to start again at the beginning every update.
I didn't spend all that time remastering. I had surgery and took time off and some other personal things. So it was only like 4 months. And a lot more was done than just remastering old art. But the next update will a new episode.
Oh we are sorry to hear that,bruh you are doing an amazing work don't be hard on yourself hope you recovered well and continue your work as before but don't stress out we enjoy games even if it short update
Many thanks to the author for his work. I don't have the ability to pay, but I can speak up. This game is very good. I appreciate the work of the author, the interesting plot, the interesting characters. I look forward to each new development. Thank you very much.
This is really well made everything from the characters, Story and animations is so good. No complaints from me this is a really good VN looking forward to more :)
I have an issue, when i open the game and reach the 18+ button(just downloaded it) it blacks out and put me back on my phone screen. Anyone know how to fix it?
hi, we had the same issue a few weeks ago but i've found a fix, though you have to download the pc file not the apk. just download Joiplay and it's Renpy Plugin after downloading Ripples, then extract the file and install Joiplay and its Renpy Plugin, then open Joiplay and go in the settings first. you'll see “Renpy Settings” there, click it, then switch on the “Use Legacy Version”, after that go back to main screen and click the "plus" on bottom right corner and fill up the requirements, then you're good to go.
Also, the next update is coming soon. It being beta-tested right now and then I release it in a couple of days if all goes well. But of course, my top-tier patrons get the early access before it gets uploaded here. And if you are not aware, the next update is a remaster/remake of ep1 with new content sprinkled in. And next, I go back to working on ep5.
Simply mindblown by this visual novel! Slow to start, but once we get to the core of the story, it simply grips you. Easily one of my favourites alongside OIAL, Eternum, MBML and LCC, I'm loving this kind of AVNs, or genre or type or whatever, that has engaging scifi/thriller kinda story-line with cute anime like characters (still realistic and emotive enough to turn you on), spiced up with sex scenes and humour. Ripples could still be the very best, waiting for the updates.
Not sure if many would feel it this way, but Jenny is my favourite girl, maybe because of the mystery factor of how this relationship would develop, or whether it would develop at all, somehow MC's interactions with Jenny feels more deep and more romantic, the uncertainty just adds to it. I wish Jenny and MC's father didn't die in the first place, maybe they could've just faked their deaths and transported into 2019 and watching over MC... I just hope in some future episode Jenny suddenly reveals herself to MC in the present time, still young and all, and be they united forever... Gah, can't wait for the update.... Among the present girls, Skylar is the best, others are also cute and lovely in their own ways.
Once in a Lifetime, My Bully is My Lover, Life Changing Choices. These are AVNs similar to Ripples, available in If you like Ripples, I'm sure you'll like those too.
Thanks for your reply. I havent played it yet, so far I think Eternum is by far the best quality one, a little too short at the moment though, I hope Ripples can change my opinion.
Eternum is hard to beat. Once in a lifetime is by Caribdis as well though, and despite it being his first game it has the same quality writing and humor. It's a bit short, but definitely worth playing.
ayo i really like the games you talked about and i loved them. Any more games in this type? I like games like waifu academy, mythic manor, once in a lifetime, The Inn etc.
bruh visual novels lately has been getting really interesting with the stories. I used to not like it and skip the dialogue to go straight to the porn. But your story got me so fucking hooked I'm actually losing sleep staying up playing it. I forget that this is a porn game lol. so far there's two visual novels that got me hooked. Yours and another called MurMur. Your story is by far the most interesting right now. I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
Harem Hotel is another good one. Be warned though, starting from square one and reading everything in that one will take you a few days, there are a lot of scenes, each one with a lot of story. I promise it's worth the read though.
Yeah, Mega been doing some strange stuff lately. A few weeks ago it was no big deal to download a file that was 8-9 gigs on Mega with no issues, but now I can't even download a 2.4 gig file without downloading the app. Kinda sus if you ask me.
Need assistance, i don't know why it keeps crashing on android 11 but on other android version it doesn't. It crashes when i type a name. I tried all methods to fix it but life doesn't allow me, please notice. Good game btw.
Outstanding! One of the best VN I have ever played! The Story is so riveting! Each character is so well written that they are your favorite while you are with them.With about 20+ hours of content so far, I can't say that I've played a better VN only a few are on par.
Yes, I'm sorry. There's not much I can do. The animations have already been dropped to 30 fps. Some renpy games just don't run well on certain devices. I recommend playing on PC if you can.
Not everyone thinks the same way. I do play games like Apex legends, Dying light 2, RDR2 e.t.c on my PC. But I play these types of games on my mobile when I am chilling / laying down. I have played a lot of H-games on mobile but this is the 1st one that lagged this much.
Could also be that your phone isnt powerful enough. The game works perfectly fine on my 2 Phones.
To run the animations in this game properly your Phone should have at least:
4 GB Ram ( 6 much better )
Adreno 650 or higher
Snapdragon 860 or higher
Android 10 or higher
Im sorry i dont want to sound mean but the animations are not going to run properly on a 200 €/$ phone or an older Device.
If your phone does have the power to run it and the animations are still laggy please look in the developer settings of your device. There are settings to prevent or force certain actions. There should also be tutorials how to fix laggy animations in vn on android.
That's a bit too demanding for a H-game. I mean I have played high visual games like Harem hotel, Eturnum, My bully my lover, Fresh woman & Heroes harem guild. They ran smoothly on my Asus max pro m2 (4gb ram, snapdragon 660)
I guess I will play it on my pc then. But not right now. This game has very interesting story but there is barley any content. Mayber after v1.0 releases I will marathon it.
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Is this the continuation of the past updates?
This is just episode 1 remaster. No new contents.
oh well guess its no longer available on my device 🙃 its quite disappointing and its just keep saying parse error
Parse error most likely means your download is corrupted. Try redownloading and install the app again, also making sure you are installing the app fresh.
Yeh try downloading again with a different browser, and you have to uninstall the original version first, or it will come up with errors, i found this out, unfortunately before i read that Jestur had already said this in the update notes haha! My bad!
-Delete the old Ripples app and deleting all data/cache may also be required.
-You are required to do a fresh install and to start a new game for the remaster. Don't transfer and use old save!
-Make sure you have a least 10GB of free space and have allowed unknown sources enabled.
You could have way more downloads if you make this game available via Drive. I can't get it on MEGA at all.
will that be necessary for each update? A start over?
idk why you need to start over but it lets me to play from saves to the end
I dont think so, its just for this one as it changes the beginning, however Jestur did say i believe that when the next chapter comes out that it should work with the old game and also the new one.
Hey Jestur, is that right that the next chapter will work with 4.1 and 4.6?
Nope, just this one. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Im struggling to install the APK file, every time i try to install it just says that the install failed as the file is invalid? Anyone else get this problem? Please help!
UPDATE: ok so I got it to work, I made a backup of my saves file in com.jestur.ripples and then uninstall the original installation, then when I tried to install the new 0.4.6 apk, it worked, and I have the game running fine! So it appears it's just an issue with the upgrade part of it, I hope this helps anyone else trying to install on Android.
A fresh install and new game is required. It says so I'm the text above. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you Jestur for replying, yeh sorry that was my bad, i was so eager to play the new version, i went straight to install lol.
what made you decide to alter some of the storyline? Like with what Krystal shows in the classroom, before she fully exposed herself, but now it was just a flash of underwear. Was it for more life like interactions?
If so, I totally understand that, I like what you have done, I think with a game like this with such an amazing storyline, adding in some more real to life situations definitely can only enhance the gameplay, I can't wait to see what you do with the next chapter, I'm so into this game, I had to donate, it just felt right.
PSA before you install: The remake is a downgrade! What was kissing and an assgrab in the previous version is now just sitting on your lap, a blowjob was downgraded to rubbing her butt over the pants, and probably more that comes after I turned it of and uninstalled.
It's not a downgrade. The kiss was moved to the second Darci scene and the blowjob was moved to Krystal's house scene. I shortened some scenes and extended other scenes to make the flow and progression more natural. You should have kept playing, but it's okay. If you're only playing for the sex scenes and don't care about the quality of the story, then this isn't going to be the game for you. I appreciate you checking it out in the first place, though.
I appreciate the condescension and the personal attacks. You are a paragon of virtue.
And you are so committed to the story that you removed the kiss without fixing the dialogue that refers to kissing. Impressive!
Dude, get a PR guy. You're not good at communicating, and it's becoming a habit.
If you feel like that was a personal attack, maybe the internet isn't right for you. And just wait till you get into the real world where people actually attack you. Holy Zeus mate, grow some thicker skin.
I feel that "you only care for the sex scenes" qualifies as a personal attack, yes. It's essentially calling the other person shallow. And it's a really bad method of covering up yet another failure to communicate.
First he fails to notify itch of his remake plans, and responds to those telling him a note would have been nice with passive-aggressive posts like "I'm sorry you were surprised", "if you had joined my discord" and such, then he fails to manage expectations by mentioning that early scenes have been toned down, but overall content isnt reduced, and responds to the inevitably resulting misunderstanding with personal attacks.
This is not about soft skin either. I could care less about Jestur acting like a discord mod. He's the one that's ultimately suffering from his bad storefront manners. I just think that he really needs to improve his communication, and am not afraid to risk a bit of animosity to give him a pointer or two.
Yea, the interwebs ain't for you homie.
Someone has way to much time on their hands 😅 Hey I have an idea, instead of moaning about small details and also insulting the Dev and not expecting some kind of comeback, especially on a game that if you want to be unsupportive is actually absolutely FREE!! Why don't you actually play it through fully, before passing premature judgement 😒 🙄 and giving friendly constructive criticism instead of being a lil B**** about it! Or.... just bugger off and don't come back here, simple really. Haha I bet you will have something to say to this message too 🤣
To be fair, I'm also playing this just for the scenes. lol
Boohooo, is it getting too warm for the precious little snowflake?
any femdom in this game and character name, please?
or dominating personality female character name
is this a new version because it says 0.4.6 but when i un-zip and play it says it version 0.4.5
I forgot to change the number. It's still 0.4.6.
Android for the remaster?
It's in the links (v0.4.6)
does ep 4 have everything from previous episodes or do you need to play through each individual episode?
Has every thing
Great, thanks!
Been wanting to play this but I can't download it from Itch app... or the website... where can I download the latest?
Dunno, mate. Have you tried lewdzone? They usually have most of the adult games posted here.
There is a Mediafire link on my patreon page. I wouldn't download from any page that isn't official because I can't verify that the game wasn't altered on those pages.
So either this page, my patreon, or subscribestar are the only sites I personally upload to.
Alright thanks
Hi Jestur, really great work you're doing and i love the renders. Can i ask what software you use to make your renders and characters, and where you get your assets? Keep up the good work
Ahhhhh the this is such a cliffhanger mostly with the bury evidence or not
Can i play all the episodes through 4 or i gotta get them all
You can play all
i played it and i get stuck somewhere
i dont like games where you must follow the walkthru to play them
You don't need a walkthrough though? Where are you getting 'stuck' at?
The game is literally straight forward... How?
Did i see Judie from once in a lifetime?😂
Darci calls one girl a slut meanwhile, one of her friends is flashing her vagina in the middle of class.
My old save files will not anymore because of the remaster right ? Are you gonna remaster all of the ep? If no, then i will start now and finish it but if yes, then maybe i will wait cause i dont want to start again at the beginning every update.
Great game, love the game. But did you really spend 7 months remastering instead of creating new stuff?
I didn't spend all that time remastering. I had surgery and took time off and some other personal things. So it was only like 4 months. And a lot more was done than just remastering old art. But the next update will a new episode.
Oh we are sorry to hear that,bruh you are doing an amazing work don't be hard on yourself hope you recovered well and continue your work as before but don't stress out we enjoy games even if it short update
Here I was pouting about a cliff hanger. Man now I feel like an ass. I hope things in your life start looking up.
Many thanks to the author for his work. I don't have the ability to pay, but I can speak up. This game is very good. I appreciate the work of the author, the interesting plot, the interesting characters. I look forward to each new development. Thank you very much.
Love this game. Its soooo good. Looking forward to further updates
I love this game, the devs sure put a lot of dedication into it, and it really shows.
This is really well made everything from the characters, Story and animations is so good. No complaints from me this is a really good VN looking forward to more :)
I have an issue, when i open the game and reach the 18+ button(just downloaded it) it blacks out and put me back on my phone screen. Anyone know how to fix it?
hi, we had the same issue a few weeks ago but i've found a fix, though you have to download the pc file not the apk. just download Joiplay and it's Renpy Plugin after downloading Ripples, then extract the file and install Joiplay and its Renpy Plugin, then open Joiplay and go in the settings first. you'll see “Renpy Settings” there, click it, then switch on the “Use Legacy Version”, after that go back to main screen and click the "plus" on bottom right corner and fill up the requirements, then you're good to go.
I hope this helps dude.
Once I realized where the plot was going, I started over and named him Marty McFly, and had his alias as George.
Does Anyone knows the release date of the next update??
And I have issues joining the discord serves does anyone has the same problem or its just me??
Me too
The discord link doesn't work? The link works for me.
Try one of these:
The discord link doesn't work? The link works for me.
Try one of these:
Also, the next update is coming soon. It being beta-tested right now and then I release it in a couple of days if all goes well. But of course, my top-tier patrons get the early access before it gets uploaded here.
And if you are not aware, the next update is a remaster/remake of ep1 with new content sprinkled in. And next, I go back to working on ep5.
Simply mindblown by this visual novel! Slow to start, but once we get to the core of the story, it simply grips you. Easily one of my favourites alongside OIAL, Eternum, MBML and LCC, I'm loving this kind of AVNs, or genre or type or whatever, that has engaging scifi/thriller kinda story-line with cute anime like characters (still realistic and emotive enough to turn you on), spiced up with sex scenes and humour. Ripples could still be the very best, waiting for the updates.
Not sure if many would feel it this way, but Jenny is my favourite girl, maybe because of the mystery factor of how this relationship would develop, or whether it would develop at all, somehow MC's interactions with Jenny feels more deep and more romantic, the uncertainty just adds to it. I wish Jenny and MC's father didn't die in the first place, maybe they could've just faked their deaths and transported into 2019 and watching over MC... I just hope in some future episode Jenny suddenly reveals herself to MC in the present time, still young and all, and be they united forever... Gah, can't wait for the update.... Among the present girls, Skylar is the best, others are also cute and lovely in their own ways.
What are OIAL, MBML and LCC?
Once in a Lifetime, My Bully is My Lover, Life Changing Choices. These are AVNs similar to Ripples, available in If you like Ripples, I'm sure you'll like those too.
Thanks for your reply. I havent played it yet, so far I think Eternum is by far the best quality one, a little too short at the moment though, I hope Ripples can change my opinion.
Eternum is hard to beat. Once in a lifetime is by Caribdis as well though, and despite it being his first game it has the same quality writing and humor. It's a bit short, but definitely worth playing.
ayo i really like the games you talked about and i loved them. Any more games in this type? I like games like waifu academy, mythic manor, once in a lifetime, The Inn etc.
My Real Desire, Deviant Anomalies, Marked for Eternity, Oppai Odyssey, Twisted Fates, Fates Collide, Harem Hotel, Lucky Paradox.
Edit: A House in The Rift, Pale Carnations, VIRTUES.
bruh visual novels lately has been getting really interesting with the stories. I used to not like it and skip the dialogue to go straight to the porn. But your story got me so fucking hooked I'm actually losing sleep staying up playing it. I forget that this is a porn game lol. so far there's two visual novels that got me hooked. Yours and another called MurMur. Your story is by far the most interesting right now. I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
if you really enjoy the stories then i recommend playing Eternum and Once In A Lifetime by Caribdis
I would also recommend you Lucky Paradox it also has a very unique and interesting story line
Harem Hotel is another good one. Be warned though, starting from square one and reading everything in that one will take you a few days, there are a lot of scenes, each one with a lot of story. I promise it's worth the read though.
(Ripples Ep4 v0.4.1) does this include the first 3 chapters as well?
How far is chapter five
Yeah, Mega been doing some strange stuff lately. A few weeks ago it was no big deal to download a file that was 8-9 gigs on Mega with no issues, but now I can't even download a 2.4 gig file without downloading the app. Kinda sus if you ask me.
It's bugging me where the girl with glasses is from.
I hope you still continue to update this game
One of the best game I played and one of the games that have interesting story
Need assistance, i don't know why it keeps crashing on android 11 but on other android version it doesn't. It crashes when i type a name. I tried all methods to fix it but life doesn't allow me, please notice. Good game btw.
Outstanding! One of the best VN I have ever played! The Story is so riveting! Each character is so well written that they are your favorite while you are with them.With about 20+ hours of content so far, I can't say that I've played a better VN only a few are on par.
Thank You! Keep up the great work!
the h-scene with this girl is laggy (i forgot her name sorry)
Very laggy on Android during H-scenes
Yes, I'm sorry. There's not much I can do. The animations have already been dropped to 30 fps. Some renpy games just don't run well on certain devices. I recommend playing on PC if you can.
It runs smoothly on a Poco X3.
Computers are for computer games, Androids are for calling yr momma on mothers day.
use the right tool for the job and you wont have a problem.
Not everyone thinks the same way. I do play games like Apex legends, Dying light 2, RDR2 e.t.c on my PC. But I play these types of games on my mobile when I am chilling / laying down. I have played a lot of H-games on mobile but this is the 1st one that lagged this much.
That's why I commented.
"Not everyone thinks the same way"
correct, a great many ppl in this world are wrong.
Could also be that your phone isnt powerful enough. The game works perfectly fine on my 2 Phones.
To run the animations in this game properly your Phone should have at least:
4 GB Ram ( 6 much better )
Adreno 650 or higher
Snapdragon 860 or higher
Android 10 or higher
Im sorry i dont want to sound mean but the animations are not going to run properly on a 200 €/$ phone or an older Device.
If your phone does have the power to run it and the animations are still laggy please look in the developer settings of your device. There are settings to prevent or force certain actions. There should also be tutorials how to fix laggy animations in vn on android.
That's a bit too demanding for a H-game. I mean I have played high visual games like Harem hotel, Eturnum, My bully my lover, Fresh woman & Heroes harem guild. They ran smoothly on my Asus max pro m2 (4gb ram, snapdragon 660)
I guess I will play it on my pc then. But not right now. This game has very interesting story but there is barley any content. Mayber after v1.0 releases I will marathon it.
Try the links on my patreon.