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loved the reference

the .exe file in version 6 to start the application isnt working, I tried copying the files in version 6 to version 5 since the .exe in version 5 is working and it works with the version 6, is this fine though?

Don't copy any files for the PC version. Just extract the zip and play. Your saves are stored elsewhere. 

(4 edits) (+1)

Episode 6 was about jumping from one girl to the next and little / nothing to do with the main story. I found that to be frustrating. The best AVN's have adult scenes that complement the story, not be the main focus. I hope that changes in Episode 7.

Episodes 1-5 had a good balance because it kept the main story in focus and moving forward. While Episode 6 lost its way, the game isn't unsalvageable. Episode 7 will be telling as to whether it becomes a meh porn game or whether it goes the story-first route and gets back on the right path.

The dev was up front about that, as I recall, at least with respect to the AVNs with cameos in this one. 6 had more set-up than reveal, but just because Riley tells you nothing and Shelby's dad reveals nothing doesn't mean nothing was put in place. As an old guy, the presentation methods can be a little jarring to me, too, but that does not make them bad, it makes me old. Roll with the story as it is told, and enjoy.

My issue with 6 is that it didn't have much in the way of set-up and even less in reveal. 6 was just a series of porn scenes with not much else. It's akin to fan service. I was rolling with the story up until 6, but 6 had no story to enjoy. Episodes 1-5 were good. 6 was a step in the wrong direction.

In a game scripted months in advance, the complaint is that based on size, this chapter wasn't paced in serial format? Not sure about that as a critique, as it is only that noticeable because of the time between releases.

Time between releases isn't my issue at all, as I do a new playthrough upon every update.

I've explained my gripe with chapter 6 twice now? Why are you asking further questions as to what my issues are with chapter 6?

Does anyone know where the hidden render is in the lingerie store scenes in Episode 5 ?

Never mind, I finded it

What the "hidden render" is? The rectangle in Gallery menu which blurred?


You can see the hidden render’s option at the bottom right of the Gallery.

It’s fun to find out all of them!

I have been scouring over the whole scene multiple times and haven't been able to find it. Mind telling me where it is?

when you grab Shelby's tail

a pineapple on the shelves behind Dani and Daphne in next scene

(1 edit)

game is very fantastic - ver ep6

gallery replay of darci's 2nd practice session might be bugged

hope we can get darci sex scene next ep

(4 edits)

I'm not surprised that I only interested in Shelby now... No, not because of her personality – it's obvious that she behaves and treats almost everyone horribly, buuut... The truth is that this is not her «real» self, as we learned in episode 6. When everyone likes MC simply because he exists and has a big sausage – Shelby is not «available» and it's not so easy to fully win her trust. She's like a diamond, which you first have to try to dig up, and then polish it to give it value.. She makes me want to get to know her better, unlike the others. Only characters like her interests me – not those, who are ready to rush on MC's sausage just for sweet complements or so... 

I hope MC will be able to change her and give her what she lacked – care and love~

Animations are awesome !! How do I know if there is a 'secret screen render'? I've seen other comments mention them

They're random objects in certain scenes. If you go to Gallery -> Hidden Renders, you can click on them for a hint of which episode and scene they're in.

Just finished chapter 6. Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep thinking about the plot and characters, great writing.

Where do you copy the thing onto the other when installing / how do you  create the other thing


No matter how many times I play through, for some reason I am unable to unlock yhe Jessica scenes on the 6th page. Any tips?

Only played through once, but turning Skylar down is likely the only current path.


theres only ONE question that i would ask of any girl that wanted "a break" or time apart...
i dont care that she probably time travelled back in time too, this is still the only question that matters..

but seriously, welcome back, best girl <3


I am so glad im not the only thinking she travelled as well xD and to be honest im gonna go insane until we get more answer I cant stop thinking about the plot itself and Skylar


The sleeves are kind of a hint.


Do you mean those tattoos?


"tattoos".. did you mean "glaring red flags"?
if this wasnt a game, she'd be dumped for those emotional damage signifiers 


I know the way to handle your question. Just don't start the route with Skylar. 😁

but, but, but, she started it with a blowjob :o 

Men of culture.


Men of culture


Anyone who is playing this on android, can you give me tut on how to do the "documents/Renpy_Saves/com.jestur.ripples/game directory"?


Just a little note for the dev , if you make a game with a HAREM tag you shouldn't have to pick and choose between the women , if thats the case it should not have a harem tag imo ,


na mate, some girls cant stand other girls, and it would make your life hell to try.and what you're describing is a story, not a "game" as you called it.
the game plays perfect as is. this is IRL dynamic what AVNs are missing. GAMEplay

(2 edits) (+1)(-6)

Look I get where your coming from but not really honestly but I tried to get into this so many times but I just found so many issues with it every time ive I've come across the comments , you're possibly fucking your kids due to time travel or something  which is kinda weird in my opinion unless you got a dad kink or some shit to eack their own, the tags are are very misleading,  so what are you talking about bro 😂 , I mean to each their own but their Is much better ones out there other then this lmao , it also doesnt make much sense for the point of this to be "realistic" as it is a game or story as you called it and it's about time travel lol 

(2 edits) (+1)(-5)

well how about we lay everything out in a nice little line for you one after the other, and then we fucking play  the game for you too? i mean, at what point do you choose to just go watch a movie or read a book instead? why have any kind of choices at all?
ffs, do you GAME, ever, butthurt downvoting-all-my-comments little bitch? 
*oh looky, you're a mod user.. no you do not game, you follow the instructions given to you by actual gamers. lame as fuck. go buy a book


someone's mad 😂 and yeah I do game a lot , got my own system and everything and but thanks for your input bro lmaoooo 

(1 edit) (-5)

yea, someone is mad, at not having someone hold their hand as you "play" the game, and instead are begging for a linear novel.. someone is mad indeed. consequences make for interesting gameplay, its as simple as that. theres a millions avn s out there without this crucial immersion-building factor, try one of them, instead of trying to ruin a rare gem

A reason for MC to be more careful, and possible for anyone in the class (well, not Lizzie, now, but that was already a reach) but not a sure thing. This game is (intentionally) more sex-forward, which is cool, even if I like the slower pace. My old person gripe would be more along the lines of school-teacher Jackie would never, ever, end a sentence with "at" or use the word "anyways." Whether the women in their 40s do or not would depend on where and how they grew up. On the grand scheme of suggestions, mine is a nothing comment, and it is based on existing dialogue, whereas yours is based on what MIGHT happen. That's a weak nit to pick. 

(1 edit)

Still weird my guy , but either way this one aint for me , you know to each their own and all that but not for me and this is not sex foward in fact it's very slow with the actual sex from what I heard and saw , plus it's a game with a Harem tag even though you can't have a harem in actuality , so yeah not for me 

Oh, I dunno. I am very new to harem (other than one, that itch only recently characterized that way) and the other two, by the same author, are more story and less sex than this. So far, it seems that the only combination you can't have is Jessica and Skylar, and I can see a still pic that makes me think that isn't a permanent issue. For all you know, the penetration of potential daughters is limited, and can't be had unless you go off-track with the mother in 1999. Would you, say, erase the twins if it turned out they were the MC's, or be happy that you knocked that one guy out? Seems odd to hang around and complain about it if the game just has a hard stop for you; just stop.

(2 edits) (-3)

plot twist, it not just your daughters you're banging in present day.. you impregnated their mothers too, making their moms also your daughters..  and their grandmothers too..
.. in fact, its all "your daughters" all the way back to 1764


You do you bro shits still weird in my opinion,  but like i said im done yall the ones continuing the shit at this point lol

In the riley scene, Wht cant if press "keep going" it is greyed out

you're not man enough

do you know how to get the option? like what options do I need to make

Did you ever figured out how to get the Riley scene? I would like to know cause I replayed 3 times with different choices and still can't get the option to keep going with Riley.

A bug maybe?

Nah I just gave up I can't lie 

When Riley asks you about thin mints say you don't like them.

Tried that, it didn't worked. Tried every possible combination of choices and nothing worked.

It must be a bug. There is no way.

You need to say that you don't like thin mints when asked in 3.

Very good




The start of chapter 6 with the references to one of my favorite game franchise had me laughing my ass off hardcore. Was not expecting whatsoever!

Trying my luck again, anyone know where the hidden render is in the movie scenes with Tiffany in Episode 5? The whole scene is super dark and quite hard to find anything. Thank you!

I have gone through the scene twice myself, with no success. If you find out, I'd like to know.

Check the next reply. I found it from that hint


Not actually in the movie scene. When Tiffany goes to answer the doorbell after the movie ends, it is the blue thing on the bottom left shelf.

Oh my god, thank you! Really appreciate it!

No problem. I only have a few of them. Didn't even know they were a thing on first play-through, and next episode came out too soon afterwards for a second play-through. 

Please feel free to let me know if you need help with any of them. I got all of them up to episode 5 collected.

No problem, and thanks, I will, though likely won't do a replay until 0.7, unless I decide to unlock Jessica to see what happens there (already did Daphne in cat suit: left that save in place because 0.6 date was announced before I got there).


Riley, that is all.   iykyk!

(1 edit)

Does anyone know where the forest render is hidden in episode 5? 

Right after the sex scene in the forest, when MC and Darci stood up and chat, on lower left of the screen a cat will peek from behind a tree


Amazing game. I am just having trouble trying to get the Jessica scenes for Ch 6. I even started over and still having trouble. anyone else?


Chapter 3, choose “don’t risk relationship with Jessica” when you were talking to Skylar. Basically you have to choose between them in each play through


Devastating news. But Skylar is the best ug

This game is fantastic. I was sceptical at the beginning because I thought the charakters looked kinda bland, but the devs gave them lots of charakter.
I also loved the sexual scenes for they were kinda sensual and each felt different.
Keep up the good work!


Was trying to play this on my phone but it wasn't allowing me to move the archive file in

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Does anyone know where the wallpapers and gallery entries are saved? I use pc and moved the saves from a previous version but the wallpapers that were unlocked previously are gray again.




It can be different for some PCs, but if you Google "Renpy Persistent Save" you can find where on the system it saves the persistent files for your Renpy games. Move that over and should be good.


Everytime I recognise a character from another AVN I get a reaction like I'm watching a marvel movie. 10/10.


I just finished the game. Why you make the ending of episode 6 like that?!?! Now I'm curious and i have to wait for months for another episode to come out. I hate and like  you at the same time creator of this masterpiece. Thankyou for your hardwork! ( To all of who helps build this game, THANKYOU!)


Hey, I checked the classroom scene, which is supposed to be the first hidden render and I can't find it. Who can tell me how to unlock it?


I just found it yesterday. Half way through the conversation talking about shit ninja, the calendar on the wall will add a new note on one of the dates, and the note will say RIP Bob. It’s hard to click on it on Android since touch area is small so might take a few tries. It will highlight as green when you hold your finger over it. I don’t know who Bob is from the game and asked in a different thread. 

It's in the middle of the scene, the first render when Alice joins the conversation. Top line of the calendar on Thursday.

Whats the difference between the full version and compressed version for android? I played the episode 5, so which version should i download?Do i just have to install the game to get the previous saves and stuff?

Higher resolution/fidelity of pictures and videos. Honestly the compressed version should look fine and if your phone is huge and find the quality of the images/video to be bad you can still download the full version and replace the file in the “game” folder

Gotcha, thanks pal

(1 edit) (+1)

Can someone please share where the hidden render is in the movie scenes with Tiffany in Episode 5? The whole scene is super dark and quite hard to find anything. Thank you!

When you see her in the hall getting the door, check the cabinet section on the left


Thank you! 😀 Finally found it.

Go Go Gadget helicopter!!

May I ask who’s Bob in the first hidden render?

(1 edit)

how can we navigate interface in mobile(android)

(1 edit) (-1)

I can download it, but it won't let me install does anyone know how to fix that. (I'm on android)

copy the Archive.rpa and press "internal storage" and find the "documents," then press "renPy_Save" and "com.jestur.ripples," and press "Game," and finally press "Copy Here."

I don't have a jestur.ripples file in the renpy save section can I just create one?

(1 edit)

Hello, how do I get the last one on page 4? Thanks in advance!

It's a Darci scene in the woods. Try convincing her about time travel and don't mock her during the bedroom grinding scene (the one after when Jackie gets a book from the shelf).

Thanks, I got it now!


How do I take control of Riley in ep 6


The only issue that I have is the hidden renders clues. They are mostly vague and hard to find. Other wise, I absolutely love this game. It is well written, great graphics, and extremely sexy. I got edged so much from playing this game, that my girl thinks I am taking pills to increase semen volume. Keep up the great work and I look forward to episode 7.

Which secret renders do you need help with?

Hey, how to get 5th of page 4 ? I couldn't find it ... Winter didn't come

I followed the installation instructions. Now I can no longer start the game. The start screen is on for 1 second and then the game crashes. I'm just frustrated.

Yeah it won't work for me on Android at all.  Even uninstalled what I had previously (so lost all my save games) and have tried both Full version and Compressed version.

Currently downloading on PC, so will see how that goes.

Works fine on PC

I was able to solve the problem for myself. I moved the saves to another folder on my phone, then uninstalled my version and downloaded the full version. After unpacking, I installed the game. The archive file is then copied to the Game folder. Then moved the saves from the replacement folder to Ripples. After the flawless start, the downloads and the unzipped files in the Download folder were deleted. In the end I had the files on my phone 3times. Download + unpacked in the download folder and finally under documents-renpy-saves...

Has anyone else had trouble with unlocking scenes? I can't seem to get the last 2 on page 7.

I also can't unlock the hidden renders, even with the hints (I click where the hint say but nothing happens).


Make the date with Sklar successful. Unless the last 2 scenes on page 6 are still with her? I am missing those along with the last one on page 4.

as for the hidden renders, make sure the item turns green when you hover them. If they don't, that means It's the wrong one. But if you got it right, the hidden render will show up.


Those 2 scenes are with Jessica, you have to go back to Episode 3 and choose to not risk your relationship with Jessica.

Tried it, didn't work :/


I think he meant mine, but anyway, I got them.


So the last 2 on page 6 are for Jessica and the first 2 on page 7 are for Skylar. And it depends if you risked your relationship with Jessica at Ep3 like Vlenebrae said. Basically, you can't get all 4 on the same run. Well, as far as I know.

(1 edit)

The last two on page 7 is Skyler scenes, so re-play the date with her to un-lock them. I have not figured out to un-lock the last two scenes on page 6, which I guess are Jessica scenes.
To unlock the hidden renders, you have to find the exact right moment in the scene where the extra feature appears to unlock the render, which requires a good deal of attention. The hints only help you of where you need to pay extra attention, not the exact moment.

I have repeated the scene of the first hidden repetition and I don't get an option. Could you tell me what the option looks like please? 

Deleted 332 days ago

I just want to say that this dialogue between Riley and Alyssa is fkg hilarious, and thank you.  I'm in episode 5 and already feeling the looming arrival of the end of 6 at this rate, but goddamn is this thing good.

Keep up the good stuff!


Are you android?


(1 edit)

then how did you make it start?

(1 edit)

copy the Archive.rpa and press "internal storage" and find the "documents," then press "renPy_Save" and "com.jestur.ripples," and press "Game," and finally press "Copy Here."

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